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世界頂尖建築之旅 第5集 ART ET CULTURE Architectures 5 (DVD)【那禾映畫】

世界頂尖建築之旅 第5集 ART ET CULTURE Architectures 5 (DVD)【那禾映畫】

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讓我們帶領您進入當代建築風潮與設計的世界 來一場跨世紀的建築之旅,解讀世界各地的頂尖建築作品 


■ The Reception and Congress Building in Rome 羅馬國會大廈
 建築師:阿達貝托.里貝拉 Adalberto Libera (1903-1963)

阿達貝托.里貝拉是二十世紀最重要、最具有象徵性意義的建築師之一,同時也是建築現代化的先鋒。 一九三七年,當時執政的法西斯政權,為了在一九四二年即將舉行的萬國博覽會,彰顯當代政權的偉大政蹟,於是決定進行一個名為E42的計畫,這個E42工程計劃要在羅馬興建幾棟永久性的建築物。
Adalberto Libera was one of the most important architects of the 20th century, as well as being one of the most emblematic. He was a pioneer of architectural modernity .
In 1937, the regime launched one of its most ambitious projects - the E 42. The idea was to create a new monumental city embodying the new Imperial Rome, for the International Exhibition of 1942. E42 built numerous permanent edifices in Rome.
Libera won the competition for one of the most important buildings of the group - the Reception and Congress Building. It was more than a monumental building. It was "a basilica and temple", "a pantheon in reinforced concrete", a rationalist manifesto founded on simple geometrical forms - a parallelepiped and a cube.
Analysing the building as it is today, but also using many archives from fascist Italy, this film explores the paradoxical alliance between a formal avant-garde movement and a totalitarian ideology. On a more general level, it also explores the link between architecture and power.

■ The Olympic gymnasiums of Yoyogi 東京代代木奧林匹克體育場
 建築師:丹下健三 Kenzo Tange (1913-2005)
 得獎紀錄:1954,1955,1958,1965 Japan Institute of Architecture Award (AIJ) 日本建築協會獎 / 1966 American Institute of Architects Gold Medal 美國建築學會金獎 

Architect Kenzo Tange was one of the post-war leaders of the modern movement in Japan. He built the two gymnasiums built in Tokyo for the 1964 Olympic Games. Tokyo was originally selected to host in 1940 had been cancelled because of the Second World War , when it was chosen again to organize the 1964 Olympic Games, the city picked up the threads of its past. For Japan, the challenge was a huge one : it had to prove to the world that it was a great modern nation. The event was both a form of revenge and a symbol.
Although Kenzo Tange was the representative of modern architecture in Japan. He had built the Peace Park building in Hiroshima, a communications centre in Kofu and a cultural centre in Nichinan. But like every Japanese architect, he had numerous questions about the relationship between tradition and modernity.
Complete function is essential for gymnasiums, besides, the architect insisted that “beautiful” was important element for buildings. “We feel that architecture that meets the needs of everyday life must be beautiful. In this way, I hereby declare that only the beautiful is functional. ”Kenzo Tange claimed the impressed theory.

螢幕比:NTSC 16:9

