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世界頂尖建築之旅 第3集 ART ET CULTURE Architectures 3 (DVD)【那禾映畫】

世界頂尖建築之旅 第3集 ART ET CULTURE Architectures 3 (DVD)【那禾映畫】

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讓我們帶領您進入當代建築風潮與設計的世界 來一場跨世紀的建築之旅,解讀世界各地的頂尖建築作品 


■ Vienna Savings Bank 維也納儲蓄銀行
 建築師:奧圖.華格納 Otto Wagner (1841-1918)
 重要影響:維也納分離派的重要成員。1895年,出版《現代建築》(Moderne Architektur),體現基本的分離派的思想。

The headquarters of the Royal and Imperial Post Office Savings Bank in Vienna was built by Otto Wagner between 1903 and 1906. Wagner was a well-established, 50-year old architect, respected by High Society. The architecture was built on the Ringstrasse, the very symbol of Imperial Vienna and is the only modern building on this road.
The bank is huge compared with other buildings on the Ringstrasse. However, the brutal façade would not upset the balance of the rest of the buildings on the avenue. How did Wagner balance the imbalance?
The architectural principles which Wagner insisted from inner decoration to outer façade was “simplicity”.
“The modern eye has lost its perspective for the small and intimate.” Wagner said,” It has grown used to long straight lines, wide surfaces, and large masses, which need limited work and simple shapes.”
In this episode, we could realize how architect made architecture a true reflection of our time and the military precision of modern life.

■ Roissy 戴高樂機場一期航廈
 建築師:保羅.安德魯 Paul Andreu (1938-)
 得獎紀錄:1995 Japan Institute of Architecture Award (AIJ) 日本建築協會獎

Before 20th century, terminal buildings were a business for engineers. Not for architectural competitions. No building permit was necessary. In 1969, a young architect Paul Andreu won the competition of Roissy Terminal 1. Paul Andreu was to become one of the twentieth century's major airport terminal builders.
Orly, the airport built during the previous decade, was a shop window. The building opened onto large terraces where people came to enjoy watching the aeroplanes. The spectacle of the aeroplanes held a promise of upward social movement.
Roissy broke with all that. The glass was replaced with concrete. The building is totally opaque, almost blind. The terraces and their visitors disappeared, but the spectacle still exists. At that time, the aeroplane and the motor car were two emblems of modernity. Therefore, Roissy was conceived for and by the car. The prized placing of the terminal is a clear proclamation: the modern terminal building is an interchange between the car and the plane.
Roissy 1 gave a new definition of airport. It had become a major date because of its innovative design and thinking in the history of airport architecture.




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