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史提夫.尼爾森:悠閒生活 Steve Nelson Jazz Quartet: Easy Living (Vinyl LP) 【Venus】

史提夫.尼爾森:悠閒生活 Steve Nelson Jazz Quartet: Easy Living (Vinyl LP) 【Venus】

庫存單位: VHJD-133

曾經與爵士貝斯大師Dave Holland多次合作的史提夫.尼爾森(Steve Nelson),是當今爵士樂壇最頂尖的美國顫音琴(vibraphone)演奏家。這次他與義大利鋼琴家馬斯莫.法羅(Massimo Farao’)、低音提琴手Aldo Zunino以及鼓手Byron Landham共同演繹多首爵士名曲,飛揚輕快的琴音讓人聽得如癡如醉,加上絕妙的爵士編曲,帶給您最舒暢的爵士享受。

Recorded at Riverside Studio in Torino on July 5, 2015.

Steve Nelson - vibraphone
Massimo Farao' - piano
Aldo Zunino - bass
Byron “Wookie” Landham - drums

<Side A>
01. Beautiful Friendship (D. Kahn)
02. East Of The Sun (B. Bowman)
03. Willow Weep For Me (A. Ronnell)

<Side B>
01. Poor Butterfly (R. Hubbell)
02. Crazeology (C. Parker)
03. Easy Living (R. Rainger)


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