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安娜塔西亞.柳托娃:爵士情迷 (Vinyl LP) 【Venus】

安娜塔西亞.柳托娃:爵士情迷 (Vinyl LP) 【Venus】

庫存單位: VHJD-152

Anastasia Lyutova & The Band: Some Like It Jazz

■ 試 聽 ■

俄羅斯當紅爵士女歌手安娜塔西亞.柳托娃(Anastasia Lyutova)首度為日本Venus唱片灌錄專輯,率領俄羅斯頂尖樂手組成之五重奏團伴奏,演出「Fascinating rhythm」、「Love you madly」、「Harlem nocturne」以及「Shatin doll」等經典標準曲,揮灑自如的演繹,讓人心醉神迷。專輯特別選在莫斯科的CINELAB STUDIO錄製,完美再現經典旋律之絕世風華。

Recorded at Trading 8's Studio in New York on January 2,3 &4, 2019.

Anastasia Lyutova - vocals
Sergey Baulin - tenor saxophone
Alexey Podymkin - piano
Vladimir Koltsov-Krutov - double bass

<Side A>
01. Some like it hot
02. Out of the past
03. Love you madly
04. I concentrate on you
05. I can’t believe that you're in love with me

<Side B>
01. Fascinating rhythm
02. Satin doll
03. Sunny
04. Why don’t you do right
05. Harlem nocturne


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