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理查.史特勞斯:歌劇《達芙妮》 Richard Strauss: Daphne (DVD)【Dynamic】

理查.史特勞斯:歌劇《達芙妮》 Richard Strauss: Daphne (DVD)【Dynamic】

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Director: Paul Curran 
Artistic director: Sergio Segalini 
Daphne: June Anderson 
Leukippos: Roberto Sacc? 
Apollo: Scott Mac Allister 
Peneios: Daniel Lewis Williams 
Gaea: Birgit Remmert 
Erster Sch?fer: Dominik Eberle 
Zweiter Sch?fer: Stefano Ferrari 
Orchestra e Coro del Teatro La Fenice di Venezia 
Teatro La Fenice, Venezia, 2005 

The creation of Daphne was not a simple affair, especially for what concerned the poetic text (due to the modest talent of the librettist Joseph Gregor), but on 15th October 1938 the opera was finally premièred at Dresden’s Staatstheater. On the podium was the young conductor Karl BÖhm. Daphne is a masterpiece of early 20th-century vocal music. Structured in a single act, this opera is a solid work with a rich musical vein. Strauss’s orchestration appears, as always, remarkably refined. The vocal writing is demanding for all the main characters, but especially so for the protagonist, here interpreted by a magnificent June Anderson. Filmed in high definition at Venice’s La Fenice, the present production is directed by Paul Curran. 

螢幕比:NTSC 16:9 
聲道:PCM 2.0, DTS 5.1 

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