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馬丁納弗蘭卡音樂祭30周年紀念專輯 30th Anniversary of the Martina Franca Festival (3CD)【Dynamic】

馬丁納弗蘭卡音樂祭30周年紀念專輯 30th Anniversary of the Martina Franca Festival (3CD)【Dynamic】

庫存單位: CDS448

■ 試 聽 ■


This triple-CD set clearly cannot give an exhaustive picture of the Martina Franca Festival’s first thirty years. It was only from 1981 that the operas staged in the courtyard of Palazzo Ducale began to be recorded live and printed in LP and later in CD. Since its beginning the festival has been a stepping stone for many young singers destined for great careers. Among the most memorable performances we remember Devia in Puritani and in a magical modern première of Adelaide di Borgogna (1984), one of Zedda’s most successful revivals; then Aliberti (Semiramide in 1986 and Il pirata in 1987); as well as Cura, Praticò, La Scola, Pertusi, Surian and Vargas, who were called to sing at Martina Franca in days when not many theatres would have believed in them In later years the Festival has decided to give ample room to the younger generations (Ciofi, Tamar, Papi, Rivenq, Scaini, Grassi, Allegretta, Raspagliosi...) and to stage modern premières, proposed in new critical editions by famous musicologists.


<CD 1>
01. 韓德爾:朱利亞斯.凱撒 Handel: Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act I: Aria: Va tacito e nascosto (1989)

 Martine Dupuy - mezzo-soprano / Marcello Panni - conductor

02. 韋瓦第:法納斯 Vivaldi: Farnace, RV 711: Quel torrente (1991)

 Susan Long Solustri - mezzo-soprano / Massimiliano Carraro - conductor

03. 派謝羅 Paisiello: Il duello comico: Voglio ognor que mon mari (2002)

 Stefania Donzelli - soprano / Giuliano Carella - conductor

04. 奇馬羅薩 Cimarosa: Le astuzie femminili: Io son dottor di legge (1984)

 Simone Alaimo - baritone / Massimo De Bernart - conductor

05. 羅西尼:勃艮第女郎阿黛萊德 Rossini: Adelaide di Borgogna: Occhi miei piangeste assai - O cara immagine (1984)

 Mariella Devia - soprano / Alberto Zedda - conductor

06. 羅西尼:奧泰羅  Rossini: Ottelo, Act I: Duetto: No, non temer, serena (2000)

 Simon Edwards - tenor / Gregory Bonfatti - tenor / Paolo Arrivabeni - conductor

07. 羅西尼:試金石 Rossini: La pietra del paragone (The Touchstone), Act II: Quell'alme pupille (1993)

 Luigi Romanelli / William Matteuzzi - tenor / Bruno Aprea - conductor

08. 帕契尼:龐貝城的最後一日 Pacini: L'Ultimo giorno di Pompei, Act I: Sopprimerlo? Ah, no, mai! (1996)

 Iano Tamar - soprano / Raul Gimenez - tenor / Giuliano Carella - conductor

09. 貝里尼:諾瑪 Bellini: Norma, Act II: Mira, o Norma (1977)

 Grace Bumbry - soprano / Lella Cuberli - soprano / Michael Halasz - conductor

貝里尼:夢遊女 Bellini: La sonnambula (1994)
10. Act I: Vi ravviso, o luoghi ameni
11. Act II: Ah, non credea mirarti

 Patrizia Ciofi - soprano / Giuseppe Morino - tenor / Ferruccio Furlanetto - bass / Bratislava Chamber Choir / Giuliano Carella - conductor

12. 貝里尼:海盜 Bellini: Il pirata, Act II: Col sorriso d'innocenza (1987)

 Lucia Aliberti - soprano / Alberto Zedda - conductor

梅卡丹特:好人 Mercadante: Il bravo (1990)
13. All'eta dell'innocenza
14. Della vita nel sentiero

 Dino Di Domenico - tenor / Stefano Antonucci - baritone / Bruno Aprea - conductor


<CD 2>
01. 董尼才第:羅旺的瑪麗亞 Donizetti: Maria di Rohan, Act II: A morire incominiciai (1988)

 Mariana Nicolesco - soprano / Giuseppe Morino - tenor / Massimo De Bernart - conductor

02. 董尼才第:幸福的騙局 Donizetti: Il fortunato inganno, Act II: Scaccia dal cor colei (1998)

 Nicolas Rivenq - baritone / Arnold Bosman - conductor

董尼才第:愛情靈藥 Donizetti: La favorita (1989)
03. Act II: Vien, Leonora, a' piedi tuoi
04. Act II: De' nemici tuoi lo sdegno

 Paolo Coni - baritone / Fabio Luisi - conductor

05. 董尼才第:吉普賽女郎 Donizetti: La zingara, Act I: Quid est homo sine femina? (2001)

 Manuela Custer - contralto / Domenico Colajanni - bass / Arnold Bosman - conductor

威爾第:爾納尼 Verdi: Ernani (1991)
06. Act I: Merce, diletti amici - Come rugiada al cespite
07. Act I: Ernani, involami
08. Act I: Che mai vegg'io? - Infelice, e tuo credevi

 Daniela Dessi - soprano / Vincenzo La Scola - tenor / Michele Pertusi - bass baritone / Giuliano Carella - conductor

09. 威爾第:馬克白 Verdi: Macbeth, Act IV: Una macchia e qui tutt'ora (1997)

 Iano Tamar - soprano / Sonia Lee - mezzo-soprano / Han-Gweong Jang - bass / Marco Guidarini - conductor

威爾第:西蒙.波卡奈格拉 Verdi: Simon Boccanegra (1999)
10. Prologue: A te l'estremo addio
11. Prologue: Suona ogni labbro il mio
12. Act I: Come in quest'ora bruna

 Annalisa Raspagliosi - soprano / Vittorio Vitelli - baritone / Francesco Ellero d' Artegna - bass / Renato Palumbo - conductor

13. 普契尼:女巫舞者 Puccini: Le Villi, Act II: Torna ai felici di (1994)

 Jose Cura - tenor / Bruno Aprea - conductor

14. 焦爾達諾:西伯利亞 Giordano: Siberia, Act II: E' qui con te (2003)

 Francesca Scaini - soprano / Jeong-Won Lee - tenor / Bratislava Chamber Choir / Manlio Benzi - conductor

<CD 3>
01. 皮契尼:羅蘭 Piccinni: Roland, Act III: Viens. Je sais quelle route - De l'aimable objet (2000)

 Luca Grassi - baritone / David Golub - conductor

02. 派謝羅:普羅瑟碧娜 Paisiello: Proserpine, Act II: Rendez-moi donc (2003)

 Sara Allegretta - soprano / Giuliano Carella - conductor

03. 奧柏:魔鬼兄弟 Auber: Fra Diavolo: Or son sola (1981)

 Luciana Serra - soprano / Alberto Zedda - conductor

梅耶貝爾:新教徒 Meyerbeer: Les Huguenots (2002)
04. Act II: O beau pays de la Touraine!
05. Act II: Ah! Si j'etais coquettte

 Desiree Rancatore - soprano / Warren Mok - tenor / Renato Palumbo - conductor

06. 梅耶貝爾:惡魔羅伯特 Meyerbeer: Robert le diable (Robert the Devil), Act III: Voici donc les debris du monastere antique (2000)

 Giorgio Surjan - bass / Renato Palumbo - conductor

07. 董尼才第:拉美莫爾的露琪亞 Donizetti: Lucie de Lammermoor, Act I: Que n'avons-nous des ailes? - Toi par qui mon coeur rayonne (1997)

 Patrizia Ciofi - soprano / Maurizio Benini - conductor

威爾第:遊唱詩人 Verdi : Le trouvere (1998)
08. Act I: L'amour ardent, l'amour sublime et tendre
09. Act I: La nuit est calme … Exile sure la Terre

 Iano Tamar - soprano / Warren Mok - tenor / Nikola Mijalovic - baritone / Marco Guidarini - conductor

10. 古諾:莎巴女王 Gounod: La reine de Saba (The Queen of Sheba), Act II: Faiblesse de la race humaine! (2001)

 Jeong-Won Lee - tenor / Manlio Benzi - conductor

11. 奧芬巴哈:格羅士坦公爵夫人 Offenbach: La Grande-Duchesse de Gerolstein, Act I: Ah! Que 'j'aime les militaires (1996)

 Lucia Valentini-Terrani - mezzo-soprano / Emmanuel Villaume - conductor

12. 比才:採珠者 Bizet: Les pecheurs de perles (The Pearl Fisher), Act I: Au fond du temple saint (1990)

 Giuseppe Morino - tenor / Bruno Pratico - bass baritone / Carlos Piantini - conductor

13. 德利伯:拉克美 Delibes: Lakme, Act II: Ou va la jeune hindoue, "Bell Song" (1991)

 Alessandra Ruffini - soprano / Carlos Piantini - conductor

14. 馬斯奈 Massenet: Roma: Soir admirabile (1999)

 Warren Mok - tenor / Marco Guidarini - conductor




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