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安德斯.裘敏 Anders Jormin: Ad Lucem (CD) 【ECM】

安德斯.裘敏 Anders Jormin: Ad Lucem (CD) 【ECM】

庫存單位: ECM2232

An ECM debut from Masabumi Kikuchi and a last session from the great Paul Motian. Motian and Kikuchi were friends for many years and Paul understood the idiosyncracies and the wayward charm of the Japanesepianist's highly personal style perhaps better than anyone. The trio - completed by Zen bassist Thomas Morgan - makes new art out of the interactive free rubato ballad. A strangely beautiful album.

Mariam Wallentin - voice
Erika Angell - voice
Fredrik Ljungkvist - clarinet, saxophone
Anders Jormin - double-bass
Jon Fält - drums

01. Hic et nunc
02. Quibus
03. Clamor
04. Vigor
05. Inter semper et numquam
06. Lignum
07. Matutinum
08. Vox animæ
09. Vesper est
10. Lux
11. Cæruleus
12. Matutinum - Clausula

Total duration: 52:39


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