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海納.戈培爾 Heiner Goebbels: Landschaft mit entfernten Verwandten (CD) 【ECM】

海納.戈培爾 Heiner Goebbels: Landschaft mit entfernten Verwandten (CD) 【ECM】

庫存單位: ECM1811

'Soundtrack'of Heiner Goebbels' massive music theatre piece, "Landscape With Distant Relatives" - 'an opera in the full sense of the term' - recorded at Paris's Festival d'Automne, incorporating texts by Gertrude Stein, Giordano Bruno, Henri Michaux, T.S. Eliot and Nicolas Poussin, and drawing on the services of actor-speaker David Bennett, baritone Georg Nigl, 16 further singers and 19 instrumentalists. The non-linear storyline embraces the ambiguous relationship between art and reality and the nature of political conflict. "The consistently gripping score runs the gamut of styles from Renaissance tonal tapestry (incorporating early instruments) to teeth-baring aggression – including an army of drummers raising merry hell." (Rob Cowan, The Independent)

David Bennent - voice
Georg Nigl - baritone
Ensemble Modern
Deutscher Kammerchor
Franck Ollu - conductor

<Part One>
01. Il Y A Des Jours
02. Non Sta
03. The Sirens
04. Ove È Dunque
05. Les Inachevés
06. Tanz der Derwische - Emplie De
07. In The 19th Century
08. Coriolan - Triumphmarsch
09. Homme-Bombe
10. Schlachtenbeschreibung
11. Well, Anyway
12. Did It Really Happen?
13. Kehna Hi Kya
14. Et C'est Toujours

<Part Two>
15. Il Y A Des Jours
16. La Fronde À Hommes
17. Just Like That
18. Bild der Städte
19. Ich leugne nicht die Unterscheidung
20. Krieg der Städte
21. On The Road
22. And We Said Good Bye
23. On The Radio
24. Different Nations
25. Out Where The West Begins - Train Travelling
26. Je Ne Voyage Plus - Freight Train
27. Principes

Total duration: 79:51


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