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發燒電影院-Hi-fi配樂精選 Evosound Audiophile Film Music - Hi-fi Cinema (2CD) 【Evosound】

發燒電影院-Hi-fi配樂精選 Evosound Audiophile Film Music - Hi-fi Cinema (2CD) 【Evosound】


從《黃昏三鏢客》、《賓漢》、《鋼鐵人》、《星際大戰》到《鐵達尼號》、《教父》,只要一說到這些經典電影,腦中馬上就會想起讓人難忘的主旋律,這就是電影配樂迷人的地方。Evosound這回邀請世界頂尖的London Music Works、The Philharminica Orchestra、The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra三大樂團演奏這些經典電影音樂,合成這一套雙CD的《發燒電影院-Hi-fi配樂精選》,帶著您透過音樂回味電影中扣人心弦的動人情節。

<CD 1>
01. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (The Good, The Bad And The Ugly 黃昏三鏢客)
02. Overture (Lawrence Of Arabia 阿拉伯的勞倫斯)
03. Parade of the Charioteers (Ben-Hur 賓漢)
04. Pink Panther Theme (The Pink Panther 頑皮豹)
05. Baby Elephant Walk (Hatari 哈泰利)
06. James Bond Theme (Dr. No 第七號情報員)
07. Also Sprach Zarathustra (2001: A Space Odyssey 2001太空漫遊)
08. Hedwig's Theme (Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone 哈利波特:神秘的魔法石)
09. Main Titles (Game of Thrones 冰與火之歌:權力遊戲)
10. Molossus (Batman Begins 蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻)
11. Arrival To Earth (Transformers 變形金剛)
12. Driving With The Top Down (Iron Man 鋼鐵人)
13. Main Theme (Star Wars 星際大戰)
14. Terminator 2 Suite (Terminator 2: Judgment Day 魔鬼終結者2:審判日)
15. Time (Inception 全面啟動)

<CD 2>
01. Love Theme (Cinema Paradiso 新天堂樂園)
02. My Heart Will Go On (Titanic 鐵達尼號)
03. Unchained Melody (Ghost 第六感生死戀)
04. Tara's Theme (Gone With The Wind 亂世佳人)
05. Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence 俘虜)
06. As Time Goes By (Casablanca 北非諜影)
07. Summer Of '42 (Summer Of '42 往事如煙)
08. Once Upon A Time In America (Once Upon A Time In America 四海兄弟)
09. A Man And A Woman (A Man And A Woman 男歡女愛)
10. Love Theme (Romeo And Juliet 羅密歐與茱麗葉)
11. Lara's Theme (Doctor Zhivago 齊瓦哥醫生)
12. The Piano Duet / Victor's Piano Solo (The Corpse Bride 地獄新娘)
13. Theme From Love Story (Love Story 愛的故事)
14. Love Theme (Blade Runner 銀翼殺手)
15. Speak Softly Love (The Godfather 教父)


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