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肯尼.羅傑斯:真心耶誕情 Kenny Rogers: Christmas From the Heart (CD) 【Evosound】

肯尼.羅傑斯:真心耶誕情 Kenny Rogers: Christmas From the Heart (CD) 【Evosound】


在你心底描繪的耶誕畫面裡,是否也擁有一個正燃著溫暖火焰的壁爐?歷久彌新的「大鬍子歌王」肯尼.羅傑斯(Kenny Rogers)用他溫暖舒揚宛若溫暖火焰的迷人嗓音,為我們獻上「I Wanna Be a Christmas Present」、「Hey, Little Christmas Tree」、「My Favorite Things」,以及「It's Just Not Christmas」等絲絲入扣的動人耶誕曲目。

01. It's Just Not Christmas
02. The Christmas Song
03. My Favorite Things
04. White Christmas
05. Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow
06. O' Come All Ye Faithful
07. Hey, Little Christmas Tree
08. Merry Christmas
09. Money Isn't What Really Matters
10. Heroes
11. I Wanna Be A Christmas Present
12. The Ballerina Song
13. Help Somebody Find Their Way
14. If I Only Had Your Heart
15. Mister Perfect
16. I Promise You
17. The Toy Shoppe


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